8 Essential Videos EVERY Writer Needs to Watch

Everyone has different ways of absorbing information, and the audio-visual nature of video works well for many.

The barrier to entry of video making is getting lower and lower, so many individuals are making video clips with their phones and uploading them directly to YouTube within minutes… it makes sense that we’re starting to gain access to the thoughts, wisdom and experience of professionals and experts we would otherwise have no access to. And we hear it in their own voice.

Here are ten top writing videos, each of which has the opportunity to transform an area of your freelance writing work.

Listen attentively and apply the best pieces of advice from these videos to improve your business Click To Tweet

Want to find new freelance clients? Hoping to write and self-publish your book? Desperate to stop procrastinating and get on with your work?

There’s something for you on this page of videos for writers and other self-employed freelance professionals.

1. How to Catch Creative Ideas

Writers need a constant inflow of new ideas, and sometimes the stream can run dry. This awesome video by Brad Herzog tells you how to get ideas from mundane tasks like eating and fishing.

2. How Freelance Writers Get the Big Gigs

Listen to Byron White and Matt Grant discuss tips and techniques for getting clients and work that pays well.

3. How to Write Amazing Headlines

Writing great headlines is more important than ever in this age of social media, where we need to grab our readers’ attention in the midst of a busy timeline of posts competing for their attention.

Check out what Leo Babauta from Zen Habits has to say about it.

4. Get Rid of the Clients You Loathe

Ok, maybe loathe is too strong a word (or is it?) but, in this video, the extraordinary Denise Duffield-Thomas tells you, in no uncertain terms, how to fire the clients who are dragging you down.

5. Self-publishing, Book Marketing and ‘Bookstrapping’

Listen to the incredible Joanna Penn interview Tucker Max about his smart insights into self-publishing books

6. Beat Procrastination with These Top Tips

7. Write Or Be Written Off

James Reavis has some interesting ideas on autobiographical writing.

8. How to Write an Award-Winning, Best-Selling Novel


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